Shareholder services

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Shareholder services
On 24 June 2022, SS Silver II Pty Ltd, an entity owned by funds managed or advised by Blackstone Inc. and its affiliates (Blackstone) acquired Crown Resorts Limited (Crown) by way of Scheme of Arrangement.
The Scheme Consideration of $13.10 cash per Crown share was paid to Crown shareholders on 24 June 2022 in respect of Crown shares held at 7.00pm (Melbourne time) on 17 June 2022.
More information in relation to the Implementation of Scheme can be found here
If you have any questions regarding the Scheme, please contact the Crown Resorts’ Share and Note Registrar:
Computershare Investor Services Pty Limited
GPO Box 2975, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 3001
Contact (within Australia): Tel: 1300 659 795
Contact (outside Australia): Tel: + 61 3 9415 4000
Computershare Investor Centre - Website
Alternatively, please contact the Crown Shareholder Information Line on 1300 659 795 (within Australia) or +61 3 9415 4254 (outside Australia), between 8.30am and 5.30pm (Melbourne time), Monday to Friday.